Friday, November 2, 2012

Hello I am reviewing Cluck Cluck Rattle Book available on This book is good for babies 6 months and up. It has simple but colorful illustrations. Can easily be clasped by babies at the cut- out section. The only problem can be the rattle itself. If it comes loose, the beads inside can be a choking hazard for the baby. This can be avoided by 1) Taping the last page with the rattle with transparent cello-tape, to secure it, and 2) Always sit with the baby and read the book together. Dont leave the baby alone with the book. Dont allow the baby to put the book in the mouth. Since it is a hardbound book, it will surely last long. check it out here
I bought this for my 2-1/2 year old son and he loves it.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


My pastor spoke from Mathew chapter 15 about talents and how God has given each person one talent or the other...some have more, some few..but none have none!

He encouraged us to identify the talents and abilities that God has given us, work on them till you reach your full potential in those areas, and then ask God for more talents, more abilities.

It was inspiring stuff...

I did make an adequately long list of things that i think are abilities...but one thing stood out...I THINK I HAVE THE TALENT OF GENERATING IDEAS!!

I love problem solving, i'm always giving advice to any who care to listen, and i come up with different kinds of schemes all the time.

That lead me to think of setting up a website - i thought i'd call it "" but guess what!?! it already exists!

So its back to the board, let me put on my thinking cap again...and meanwhile, if you are also talented (like me) :) drop me a line.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gen. Intro

Hello and welcome to my world.
This is my second blog on BlogSpot. My first blog is devoted to my experiences as a mother and wife. You can catch all of that action on

And though i would idealistically like to believe that my world revolves around my husband and daughter...i do want a space to share other facets of my personality.

My likes and dislikes...
My pet peeves...
Things i find sweet...things i find horrific...

Sometimes i wonder if anyone would ever be interested in reading mundane details of a stranger's life...but then again, the world is a strange place with stranger people living in it....

Drop me a line when you can....
